In 2008 I decided to do three new things with my life.
1. Pursue a law degree at Osgoode Hall
2. Find my dream companion my dog named Lux
3. Found my own real estate firm called it Lux Equity (get it?)
The journey to today is a long story.
Today I am the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Lux Equity, a privately held fund that owns various commercial assets in the real estate industry. We are steadily growing and focusing on the intersection between health care and real estate.
Speaking Engagements
Desautels Speed Mock Interview Judge
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
Enactus World Cup Judge
Enactus Canada, Toronto, Ontario
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Entrepreneurship Club
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hult Prize Competition Judge
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Western University, London, Ontario
York University, Toronto, Ontario
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
The Queen Entrepreneurs' Competition
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Western Venture Association: Ignite
Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario